Infertility Treatment

Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without contraception or the inability of a woman to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.

Many couples experience the joys and excitement of trying to have a baby. However, for some, this journey can be filled with challenges and anxieties. Infertility, the inability to conceive after one year of trying (or six months for women over 35), can affect both men and women.

The causes of infertility vary greatly and can be influenced by a multitude of factors.  Getting help from a fertility clinic recognizes the emotional challenges of infertility. They offer various services to support men and women on their journey to becoming parents.

Suffering from miscarriage or failing to conceive naturally can cause some major turmoil in anybody’s married life. Many factors can influence fertility in both men and women.

Causes of Male Infertility

Low sperm count: This refers to a lower-than-normal number of sperm in the semen

Sperm motility issues: If sperm aren't moving well enough, they might struggle to reach the egg

Abnormal sperm morphology: Sperm with an irregular shape might have difficulty fertilizing an egg

Varicocele: This is a condition where veins in the scrotum are enlarged, affecting sperm production

Causes of Female Infertility

Ovulation issues: Sometimes, ovulation (the release of an egg) doesn't happen regularly or at all

Blocked fallopian tubes: Blockages in the tubes can prevent the egg and sperm from meeting

Endometriosis: This condition causes tissue similar to the uterine lining to grow outside the uterus, affecting fertility

PCOS: This is a hormonal disorder that directly affects the menstrual cycle and causes developed egg cells to become cysts on the ovarian walls

Uterine fibroids: These are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that might impact implantation

Creating a Personalized Treatment Plan

Once a clearer picture has been obtained, a personalized treatment plan will be created for the individual. 

Lifestyle changes: Sometimes, simple lifestyle changes like managing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, and limiting alcohol can make a big difference

Medication: Medications can help regulate ovulation in women or address sperm health issues in men

Surgery: In some cases, minor surgical procedures might be necessary to correct anatomical blockages or remove fibroids

There is no single solution for everyone. Different options will be discussed based on the individual's situation. Next, some common approaches will be covered.

How is Infertility Issue Solved?

It's important to have different kinds of treatments to help you have the best shot at getting pregnant. 

Fertility Evaluation: This involves a series of tests for both partners to assess potential causes

Ovulation Induction: Medications can help stimulate ovulation if it's not occurring naturally

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Washed sperm is placed directly into the uterus to increase the chances of fertilization

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Service

This method is a high-tech way to help with pregnancy. Doctors take mature eggs out of the body, mix them with sperm in a lab, and then put the growing embryos back into the womb. They do this when there's trouble with the natural way of getting pregnant and when embryos can't grow inside the woman on their own.

⦁  Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Service

There's also a special way to help when a man's sperm can't do its job well. It's called ICSI, and it means taking one single sperm and putting it right into an egg. This helps a lot when there aren't enough sperm or they can't move properly.

For some couples, using donor sperm or eggs might be the most suitable option.

When to Consult an Infertility Specialist?

Aim for a doctor's visit if you've been trying to conceive for –

⦁ One year (under 35 years old)

⦁ Six months (35 years old or older)

⦁ Facing Underlying Health Issues: Known conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, or low sperm count warrant a specialist's evaluation

⦁ Multiple Miscarriages: Experiencing two or more pregnancy losses may indicate a need for specialist care

⦁ Advanced Maternal Age: Women over 40 are advised to consult a specialist sooner rather than later

⦁ Unexplained Infertility: If tests show no clear reason for not conceiving, a specialist can delve deeper

⦁Having Concerns or Questions: Don't hesitate to seek guidance! A specialist can address any anxieties you may have about fertility

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do you plan an appointment to treat infertility?

  1. The first step will be to be relaxed and informative about your problem. Then you need to talk about your health, when you want kids, and any questions you have. You'll get to know the doctors and feel good about our approach. During the consultation, some basic tests will be ordered. There will be tests like blood tests or ultrasounds. These tests will help understand why you're having trouble getting pregnant.

2. What is the difference between IVF and ICSI?

  1. IVF & ICSI are both fertility treatments, but differ in fertilization. IVF mixes sperm & eggs in a dish for natural fertilization. ICSI injects a single sperm directly into the egg, bypassing the natural process. ICSI is often used for male infertility or failed IVF cycles, while IVF is suitable for broader infertility issues. A doctor will recommend the best approach based on your specific situation.

3. How to see the emotional aspect of the treatment?

  1. Dealing with infertility can be really tough. That's why patients are given full emotional support along with proper treatment. One-on-one conversations and group talks to help you with stress, worry, and feeling alone. You’ll get the chance to talk about each treatment and know how well it works in detail. You can learn about the side effects it might have and how much it costs. Then you can come to a decision. Make sure you know everything so you can choose what's best for you.

4. How do you take control and get support?

  1. It can be a lot to take in with all the fertility treatment choices. So, you can talk and know more about your options. You can go over everything, take your time, get answers to all your questions and take a proper decision. Make choices about your treatment with confidence. It's totally okay to ask for help with having a baby. We're here to listen and help you kindly.

5. Are the infertility treatment plans kept secret?

  1. Infertility plans can be confidential, but not always. It depends on the couple's comfort level and treatment methods (donor sperm/eggs). Open communication with your doctor is key.

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