Paediatric Endocrinology

Pediatric Endocrinology is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal

disorders in children and adolescents. Our Expert paediatric endocrinologists

working very dedicatedly to treat all younger patients with suspicions related to their

endocrine system very sympathetically. We understand, of course, the uniqueness

and challenges these hormonal imbalances may pose to developing bodies, and we

shall commit to help child attain optimal health and well-being.

Overview of Endocrinology

Pediatric endocrinology is a subspecialty concerned with disorders in the endocrine

system, which includes a group of glands producing hormones that are in charge of

the regulation of growth, metabolism, puberty, and other functions of the body. Our

experts have been trained to deal with the complex interplay that is associated with

hormones within a growing child's body by giving personal care to every individual


What Does a Pediatric Endocrinologist Do?

A pediatric endocrinologist is a professional who diagnoses and treats children with

hormonal disorders, and manages complications related to growth and puberty.

− Treat diabetes and other metabolic disorders

− Diagnosis and management of disorders of the thyroid

− Diagnosis and management of patients with disorders of the adrenals and pituitary


− Collaborate with other specialties in delivering multidisciplinary care

− Educates on general knowledge regarding hormonal health and how the family can

be helpful

Diseases and Conditions Treated by Pediatric Endocrinologists

Our doctors treat and manage many forms of endocrine disorders and other

conditions, such as:

1. Growth Disorders

− Short stature

− Tall stature

− Growth hormone deficiency

2. Puberty-Related

− Precocious puberty

− Delayed puberty

− Disorders of sexual development3. Diabetes

− Type 1 and Type 2

− Gestational diabetes in pregnant teens

4. Thyroid Disorders



−Thyroid nodules and cancer

5. Disorders of Adrenal Gland

−Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

−Cushing syndrome

−Addison's disease

6. Disorders of Pituitary Gland


−Tumors of the pituitary

7. Disorders of Calcium and Bone Metabolism


−Osteoporosis in children

While the pediatric endocrinologist primarily relates to hormonal conditions, there

are, indeed, numerous endocrine disorders that may extend to have an effect on the

cardiovascular system. In these instances, we also collaborate with pediatric


What Tests and Diagnoses Does a Pediatric Endocrinologist Do?

Pediatric endocrinologists use a battery of sophisticated tests to assess and

determine, with adequate precision, the hormonal well-being of children.

1. **Blood Tests**: Basic in the measurement of hormone levels, blood sugar, and

other health indicators, they help diagnose conditions like diabetes and thyroid


2. **Stimulation and Suppression Tests**: These will determine if the different

endocrine glands are working normally or not and thus establish the diagnosis of

disorders such as adrenal insufficiency or growth hormone deficiencies.

3. **Imaging Studies**: Bone age X-rays are done to learn growth potential, while

thyroid ultrasounds and MRIs permit detailed visualization of the gland structures

and their variations, which are important features in recognizing abnormalities.

4. **Growth Charts and Body Measurements**: By following physical growth patterns

since infancy, endocrinologists can establish deviations that may give signs of

endocrine disorders.

5. **Genetic Testing**: This is how one diagnoses hereditary endocrine conditions so

that treatment plans can be initiated appropriately.

6. **Continuous Glucose Monitoring**: This is non-negotiable in diabetes care and

will enable the continuous, real-time monitoring of glucose levels.

7. **Bone Density Scans**: These are necessary to monitor bone health, especially

in a child with chronic disease that may interfere with the normal growth and

development process.

When to See a Pediatric Endocrinologist

Your child should be seen by pediatric endocrinology specialists if he/she is:

⦁ Abnormal growth patterns {too slow or too fast}

⦁ Early or delayed puberty

⦁ Frequent urination and excessive thirst {possible signs of diabetes}

⦁ Unexplained weight gain or loss

⦁ Thyroid enlargement or nodules

⦁ Abnormal sugar levels in the blood

⦁ Disorders in sexual development

The endocrine diseases can thus be checked with the earliest possible intervention,

and the child enjoys the best of health and development.

5 FAQs

Q1. How is pediatric endocrinology different from adult endocrinology?

ANS: Pediatric endocrinologists are uniquely qualified to treat children with

endocrine disorders because of their training in the development of the hormonally

dependent systems of children. Special training is also provided regarding problems

concerning growth and puberty that are not common in the experience of the adult


Q2. Will endocrine disorders affect the growth and development of my child?

ANS: Yes, many endocrine disorders represent abnormalities of growth and

development in children. Examples include growth hormone deficiency, disorders of

the thyroid, and premature or late puberty, all affecting physical growth, and in some

cases even cognitive development, in children. The earlier these disorders are

identified and treated, the more optimal the outcome.

Q3. What is the treatment for type 1 diabetes in a child?

Basically, management of type 1 diabetes in children involves the following:

- Monitoring blood glucose regularly.• Insulin therapy by injection or insulin pump

• Meal planning and counting carbohydrates

• Regular physical activity

• Diabetes education for the child and family

Our team fully supports and educates families about every aspect of diabetes care.

Q4. Are there some lifestyle changes to make to improve endocrine disorders?

This again would depend on the condition, but typical life style changes include:

⦁ A healthy balanced diet

⦁ Regular Exercise

⦁ Stress Management

⦁ Adequate sleep in the night

⦁ Medications as prescribed

Q5. How often my child would have to visit an Endocrinologist?

Now, the number and frequency of visits would depend upon the particular endocrine

problem and its severity. Some children may require frequent follow-up, while others

might have to visit only once a year. Based on your child's needs, our team will

develop an individual care plan that would recommend the suggested intervals

between follow-up visits.